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~MasterPhoenix's App~

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~MasterPhoenix's App~ Empty ~MasterPhoenix's App~

Post  MasterPhoenix Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:33 pm

1) Name Dib Garcia IGN-MasterPhoenix
2) Age 15
3) Are you looking to play on our dedicated ranked squad? Or play occasional games as Normal / possible sub? Both If Need be. Would Very much love to play on Ranked Squad.
4) What class role are you looking to filll? AD Carry, Assassin.
5) What champions within this group can you play? Ashe, Irelia, Jungle Shaco, Caitlyn, Yi, Sivir, Learning Xin Zhao.
6) It is very likely if you play on the ranked team that you will play this class 90% of the ranked games, and you will be required to learn all or most of the champions that fit within that role, are you capable of doing this, or do you feel you can become capable? I can do this. I see myself learning at a very fast rate.
7) Do you have any specific champions outside of your main role you feel you especially excel in? Rammus and Shen, When solo queuing I have to tank just so we can have a balanced team. I very much like that.
Are you comfortable fitting into one of the following two catagories. Feel Like I will fit into A for a while. Though I would love to fit into B in the near future to help other become great players.
9) On a scale of 1-10 rate yourself on each of the following. a) ALL of the champions uses and their abilities b) Lane control (the concept of pushing/last hitting/holding) c) Map awareness / control. d) Items
A-7 B-8 C-8 D-8
10) How do you feel about theorycrafting, which is figuring the best items for your role, which champions counter who, debating and explaining item choices/skill order etc. I love theory crafting. When Cravener and I did some theorycrafting I had a great time and I felt great about my skills in the game.
11) Do you have a sense of humor that laughs at racist jokes and off color humor? Yes
12) If you answer no to 10, please reconsider your application, if yes, please be aware that we take serious games seriously, and you need to know a time and place for such humor.
13) What do you feel you bring to our team? Ranked - Please be in depth here, normal less so.
I love to make sure that everyone is doing ok in the game. While maintaining my lane I constantly glance at the Jungle, Side Lanes, And Mid. Because I AD carry I feel strongly about people that cant put out, So I like to make sure their lane is doing good and they are getting themselves farm and such. When Playing and AD carry as Mid I constantly check to see opportunities to gank or different means of making the gameplay more suited for my team. Playing is Fun. But Winning is a goal, And Ill do whatever it takes in a ranked game to make sure I achieve that goal.
14) Are you willing to dedicate yourself to required practice / matches (most likely twice a week for a few hours at a time) and can be focused though this time without major distractions (girlfriends / parents). We are understanding there are emergencies, and sometimes things that need to be taken care of, but repeated girlfriend aggro is something that needs to be controlled and unacceptable during ranked matches. Im very upfront with my parents about serious gaming mode. So them coming in will never be a problem. Im also home schooled so I can dedicate time practically 24/7
15) did you notice there was no 14? There totally it a 14.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-03-02

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